
By using the tactical settings, the Team Manager can define exactly the behaviour or characteristics of the his team during a game. The teams tactics can be adjusted in 7 areas with between 2 and 4 options available in each area:
Tactical Alignment:
Attack Behaviour:
     Counter attack
     Play through the middle
     Play using the wings
Shots on Goal:
     From all positions
     Only in good opportunities
Passing Style:
     Long Ball
     Short Passing
     Only in close games
Tactics are set up, just as the formation is, before the game begins, but during the game tactics can also be changed several times. In both instances the tactics are changed on the tactics board.
Tactical Changes During Live Games
During the game, the tactical settings can be changed several times. However, not every new statement set by the Team Manager is accepted and carried out by his team. Sometimes the players will ignore the orders of their Manager, either because they cannot do what is asked of them or they believe that the instructions given are not important or pointless. Those who follow the game live, change their tactics so often that they contradict themselves and there for is simply not taken seriously. On average you have 2 chances to change you tactics per half, while at half time you can change as much as you want without any restrictions. In the case of extra time the opportunity to make tactical changes is exactly the same as during normal half time and is unrestricted in the number of changes you can make.

The tactics of your opponents as well as their changes during the live game is noted in the ticker messaging service for your information. Any changes that are made doe not instantly appear in the ticker but are delayed. To find out which tactics the opposition have switched to, the opposition have to be watch firstly the by the commentator so that he can react.
Tactical Alignment
When the Team Manager arranges his players on the playing field by hand, the tactical alignment of the team is automatically determined with it either being Offensive, Balanced or Defensive. The tactic board shows the tactical alignment (‘Tactic’) which is not directly changeable unless you rearrange your players positions on the field.

The tactical alignment has a far reaching effect on the game or on the logic of the game logic computation. The more attacking a team are set, the higher the probability of having more shots on goal and actual goals. When teams play in a more defensive manner then there is a tendency for fewer goals to be generated.

In determining the tactical alignment of his team, the team manager should consider the strengths of the both teams that are participating in the game. If your team rather weaker, then defensive tactics are more suitable. When the team manager thinks his team has a stronger team than the opponents then this points in the direction of using a more offensive tactic.
A team or a player in a team can either take it easy in a game or give it everything that they have. The control for this is the ‘Commitment’ setting. This firstly has a direct effect on the strength of the team during the live game, and secondly has an effect on the fitness value of the player as a result of the game.
Commitment: Effect During a Live Game
The standard setting for the commitment level is ‘Balanced’, where the players bring a constant performance through the game and only a small decline in strength is seen during the match. Using ‘Full’ causes a direct increase in the teams strength while 'Conserved' lowers it.

The effect of the ‘Full Commitment’ option changes the longer it is active. At the beginning of the game it is expresses its self fully, but over time the effect over a long period of playing time decreases and falls under normal progression of the strength value. Eventually the players strength can fall if the Team Manager uses the 'Full Commitment' option over a long period of time.
Commitment: Effect on Fitness Value
After playing for a long period of time, a player under 30years old looses 2 fitness points. This value is influenced by the ‘Commitment’ setting that is being applied. If the player is playing ‘Conserved’ then he will loose only 1 of the 2 points. By playing in ‘Balanced’ he will only loose the 2 points from his fitness value. When the player gives his all (‘Full Commitment’) be it only one time in the game or for a long period will loose an additional 2 points from his fitness level.
A team can apply ‘Pressing’ or not. Along with these options, the tactics board also contains another option to only press when you are narrowly being beaten, so this means team will automatically start pressing the opposition once they go a goal behind.

Through pressing a team tries to give the opposition as little time as possible to quietly build their game and control it as well force them into making errors. The exertion of Pressing is not directly connected with the increase in team strength. Within the game logic calculation however pressing influences all important decisions in the game simulation like the game outcome, passing accuracy, the willingness to run and number of sprints, shots on goal, scoring chances and finally the goals.

Pressing is a team exercise, so it after a certain point it has an effect on the players strengths. This is the case when the team manager lets his team press for to long in the game e.g. through the whole game. The effect in this instance would see the players strength levels drop below normal progression levels. In extreme players can even break down when used over a permanent length of time.

In addition, Pressing also acts on the fitness of the player as a result of the length of the game played. When a player under 30 years old is pressing for over 30 minutes looses an additional 1 point from his fitness levels. If the Team Manager continues to use pressing for over 60 minutes then a further 1 point is lost from the players fitness levels.
Goalkeeper and Commitment/Pressing
Commitment as well as Pressing does not in anyway have an effect on the values and actions of the goalkeeper during a live game. It is also irrelevant to the fitness value of a goalkeeper at which commitment or pressing level his team have been playing at. A goalkeeper under the age of 30 will loose 1 point as a result of playing a long or full match, while an older goalkeeper will loose 2 or more points.
Attack Behaviour
The Team Manager can decide over which part of the field or in what style his team should attack. The ‘Counter attack’ is well suited when playing against stronger opponents i.e. A counter attack is the only chance to create some successful chances on goal. If you find that your team is much stronger in the middle of pitch compared to your opponents then it could be an idea to ‘Play through the middle’. Similarly, ‘Playing on the wings’ would be a good option if your players are superior to theirs.
Shots on Goal
Here the manager has the choice between the ‘From all positions’ and ‘Only in good opportunities’ options. In the first instance the team will have more shots on goal, however they will have a lower probability of scoring a goal. With the second option the team has a lower number of shots on goal, but with every shot they have on goal there is a higher probability of it being turned into a goal.
A team can play either in fair, normal or brutal manner. The more aggressive you play, the more duals you win, therefore the more control you have on the ball which leads to more chances in creating goal scoring opportunities. On the other hand there is a higher probability of an injury occurring to your own player or the opponents player due to the higher frequency of tackles and also the more aggressive you let your team play the higher the danger of receiving a yellow or red card.
Passing Style
The team manager may want his team to play the short passing game or bet on the long balls. He can also specify to use a mixture of the two variants. If you play long balls, there is a high risk of losing the ball and returning it quickly to the opponents. On the other hand, the other team could be superior and this is the only way to get the ball in the direction of the opponent‘s goal. When your team is superior to the opponents' then the short passing game will give a greater chance to move the ball forward quickly and therefore increase the chances of scoring.
Pre-defined (automatic) Tactical Changes
When the team manager does not follow his team live, he can specify in advance the tactical changes that he wants executed at a certain time during the game. The automatic tactical changes that are set are subject to all restrictions (such as the refusal of the team carry out instructions, etc.) and may vary depending on the score (when loosing or leading).
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